Help for First Nations renters

About our Artwork and Artist: Casey Atkinson is a proud Bangerang/Wiradjuri man from Shepparton. This Artwork represents the diverse and different communities across Victoria.

See our Where to get help information.

Do you need urgent help?


Do you need general tenancy rights information or advice?

Consumer Affairs Victoria

Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) provides information and advice about renting. 

CAV has specific services to help First Nations people understand their rights and how to resolve common renting problems, along with advice about a range of consumer issues. 

Yarrka Barring, CAV’s dedicated helpline for First Nations people: 1300661511  
Website: (External link)

CAV contact centre staff are trained locally by Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation in Aboriginal cultural awareness and aim to provide a culturally safe space to discuss any concerns about consumer or renting rights.


Do you need legal advice on renting problems?

Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service  

Victorian Aboriginal Legal Services (VALS’) include Family, Civil, and Criminal law. Our Wirraway Police and Prison Accountability practice advocates for the rights of people in prison or in custody. Wirraway also advocates for improved policing and corrections accountability. Balit Ngulu are our team specialising in work with young people.

Phone: 0394185999 or 1800064865 
Website: (External link)


Do you need formal dispute resolution services?

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) provides fair, efficient and affordable justice for the Victorian community. We do this by making decisions about a wide range of cases or by helping people to resolve disputes.

VCAT Koori Support

VCAT Koori Support Team have plenty of experience working in our community – for our community. We have culturally safe options to come to a VCAT hearing, including Koori hearing rooms you can book.

Phone: 0417516335 
Email: (External link)
Website: Koori support | VCAT (External link)


Do you need help finding a private rental property?

Aboriginal Private Rental Assistance Program

Aboriginal Private Rental Assistance Program (APRAP) empowers Koori communities throughout Victoria by providing private rental specific housing support. It helps mob to find or sustain their current tenancy by assisting them with information about the private rental market and the housing search process and offers practical support.

Website: (External link)


Do you need social housing?

Aboriginal Housing Victoria

Aboriginal Housing Victoria (AHV) is an Aboriginal community organisation responsible for managing over 1,500 rental properties for First Nations people living in Victoria.

Free Call: 1800 248 842 
Telephone: 03 94032100 
Email: (External link)
Website: (External link)


Do you think you have been discriminated against?

Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission

The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission offers a free, fair and timely dispute resolution service, with the aim of achieving a mutual agreement. The Commission helps resolve complaints about discrimination including:

  • discrimination based on age
  • sexual harassment
  • victimisation
  • and racial or religious vilification.

Phone: 1300292153
Email: (External link)
Website: (External link)